Empowered Dating

Support and guidance to create healthy and secure dating habits

I'm on a mission to help women create healthy dating habits and relationships.

Does this sound familiar?

  • You are consistently drawn to people who at first may present as emotionally available, but their behavior soon becomes inconsistent?

  • At the end of a date you're filled with both excitement and nervousness and, if you really think about it, low grade anxiety. Will they pick me? 

  • You ignore clear signs that this person is actually not available in the way you need them to be. You make excuses for their inconsistent communication, analyze them until your brain hurts, and canvas all of your friends for advice. 

  • Each text you receive from them sends you soaring…heart racing, but the follow-up on meeting never happens when you think it will. 

  • Soon after each contact you crash, craving more contact to feel OK. You fixate and ruminate and wonder how you ended up here, AGAIN! 



You’ll unearth and understand the patterns developed from your past that are not serving you in your dating life or in relationships


We’ll work to understand present day blocks sabotaging the love you want and why you have been attracted to the same type of person again and again


We’ll explore how you relate to yourself. What are your wants, needs and values? How do you create boundaries and honor those wants, needs and values in the dating/relationship world and share them directly without feeling like “I’m too much”?


We’ll create an actual “dating plan” so you have the practical tools to support you in your healthy dating journey

This work is for you if you…

  • Want a relationship but consistently pick the same unavailable person…just with a different face.

  • Tend to “lose” yourself when dating. The part of you that shows up with your friends and feels secure and authentic disappears.

  • When someone shows up and is interested and available, you’re not interested…it feels “boring” to you.

  • Equate chemistry with compatibility.

  • Are ready to shift these patterns but have no idea what to do or where to start?!

During our work together, you will…

  • Be guided to understand the root-cause that led you to this way of relating (attachment style).

  • Identify “Red Flags” and make new, healthy choices based on the facts as opposed to someone’s “Potential”.

  • Develop a feeling of groundedness, calmness, and confidence when showing up to date.

  • Explore your values, needs, and what you want in a relationship, and how to communicate these things clearly early on.

  • Create a specific “Dating Plan”, a blueprint to guide and direct you in feeling clear and confident in your boundaries and communication.

  • Learn tools in order to stay connected to your authentic self while dating and in the early stages of relationship.

Why Am I Drawn To This Work…

My passion stems from my personal experience. I wanted and needed to understand and shift my dating and relationship patterns. This journey forced me to dig deep and seek internal answers. Once I began to unearth the truth behind my dating and relationship patterns, the tools to shift how I was dating became clear. It’s my privilege to guide women through their journey to healthy dating.

As a Psychotherapist, I’ve spent a decade-plus working with women to dig through the wreckage of their dating and relationship past and support their transformations to claim and call in truly healthy relationships.